15 Ways Small Business Can Use Social Media To Improve Engagement Around The Holidays

Christmas holiday items with social media icons

Engaging your audience around the holidays can be challenging. We have some tips that can help get you on the right track to producing solid content that will engage your audience over the next few weeks!

User generated content and holiday themed events can make a huge impact. 

  1. User-generated content (UGC) campaigns. Encourage your customers to share their experiences with your brand on social media using a specific hashtag. This will not only generate buzz for your business, but also provide authentic, user-generated content that you can repost on your own social media channels.

  2. Holiday-themed giveaways and contests. Offer a special prize or discount to customers who participate in a holiday-themed contest or giveaway on your social media channels. This can be a great way to generate engagement and drive traffic to your website.

Collaborating with other businesses and sharing behind the scenes content can be largely beneficial to authenticating your brand.

  1. Collaborate with other small businesses. Partner with other small businesses in your community to cross-promote each other on social media. This can help to expand your reach and tap into a new audience.

  2. Share behind-the-scenes content. Give your followers a sneak peek at what goes on behind the scenes of your business during the holiday season. This could include photos of your team preparing for the holidays, or videos of your holiday decorations.

Holiday themed discounts and promotions, as well as a solid social media campaign can help solidify your brand for consumers during the shopping season.

  1. Create a holiday-themed social media campaign. Develop a cohesive, holiday-themed campaign that includes a mix of content, such as holiday-themed graphics, videos, and posts. This will help to create a consistent, festive look and feel for your social media channels.

  2. Offer exclusive holiday discounts and promotions. Use your social media channels to promote exclusive holiday discounts and promotions for your followers. This can be a great way to drive sales and build customer loyalty.

  3. Host a holiday-themed social media event. Consider hosting a holiday-themed live stream or Q&A session on your social media channels. This can be a fun and engaging way to connect with your followers and offer them valuable content.

  4. Create holiday-themed social media graphics. Develop a series of holiday-themed graphics that you can share on your social media channels. This can be a great way to add some visual interest to your content and get your followers in the holiday spirit.

Your customers stories and testimonials can create authentic engagement with your brand on a wide variety of platforms. 

  1. Share holiday-themed user stories. Encourage your customers to share their holiday-themed stories and experiences on your social media channels. This can be a great way to connect with your audience and showcase the human side of your business.

  2. Use holiday hashtags. Research and use relevant holiday hashtags in your social media posts. This will help to increase the visibility of your content and make it more discoverable to users who are searching for holiday-related content.

  3. Create holiday-themed social media challenges. Develop a series of holiday-themed challenges that your followers can participate in on your social media channels. This can be a fun way to generate engagement and build a sense of community among your followers.

Holiday Tips and Tricks, Influencer Content, and Engaging videos can help set your business apart.

  1. Share holiday-themed tips and advice. Provide valuable holiday-themed tips and advice on your social media channels. This could include holiday gift ideas, recipes, or DIY projects.

  2. Partner with influencers. Consider partnering with influencers in your industry to promote your business on their social media channels. This can help to expand your reach and tap into a new audience.

  3. Create holiday-themed videos. Develop a series of holiday-themed videos that you can share on your social media channels. This could include holiday-themed product demonstrations, tutorials, or behind-the-scenes footage.

Show Customer Appreciation. This sends the message that you really do care and that your customers are your priority.

  1. Thank your customers. Use your social media channels to thank your customers for their support during the holiday season. This can be a great way to show your appreciation and build customer loyalty.

Using just some of these tips can make your holiday marketing less overwhelming, and you can rest assured your customers will find authenticity in your brand and messaging this season.

Contact Starfish Ad Age today if you are interested in consulting with our marketing professionals about the ways that you could improve the marketing for your business this season!

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